How do I make a redemption?

Please download the form here,or you may send a brief letter to Apex Fund Services stating you would like to make a redemption from your investment, and include the following details: 

  • Fund Name
  • Your Account Name and Number
  • Amount you wish to redeem - you must stipulate either the dollar amount of the redemption or the number of units to redeem. We will not accept redemption requests that ask us to calculate the redemption amount so that you retain a specific amount as a balance.
  • If you are redeeming in full please write “Full Redemption” or check the appropriate box on the form.
  • The instruction must be signed by the authorised signatory/signatories on the account.

Please email, fax or post the instruction directly to Apex Fund Services.

Note: The minimum redemption amount is $50,000. If after a partial withdrawal the balance will be less than the minimum investment amount of $500,000, the Trustee reserves the right to close the account and pay the balance out.