The Airlie Concentrated Share Fund

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This website contains general information only and does not take into account any person’s investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Nothing contained in the website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.

Fund Overview

Fund Overview

The Fund will actively invest in Australian equities and will look to build portfolios based on individual company analysis. Only investments in Australian listed securities will be considered. In building the investment portfolio, the Fund will seek out companies with strong balance sheets, able management, and durable businesses. Up to 50% of the Fund’s assets may be held in cash.

Investment objective

The Fund's investment objective is to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index over rolling three-year periods.

In tandem with this objective we also aim to deliver a defensive portfolio that preserves capital in times of market stress.

The Airlie Concentrated Share Fund is closed to new investors. Existing investors may make additional investments to their accounts at any time.

Typical number of holdings in portfolio: 8 to 20
Maximum cash level: 50%

Fund Facts

Portfolio manager
Matt Williams
Typical number of holdings
8 to 20
Maximum Cash level
Inception date
6 November 2012
S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index
Minimum investment
Minimum additional investment

Click here for further information on the benchmark.

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Head of Australian Equities

Matt Williams has over 25 years industry experience and joined Airlie Funds Management in 2016 in the role of Portfolio Manager. In 2023 Matt was appointed Head of Australian Equities. Prior to joining Airlie, Matt served as the Head of Equities at Perpetual Investments. Matt joined Perpetual in 1993 and has been a portfolio manager since 1998. 

Matt holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of New England.

Unit prices

Unit Prices

Date Entry Exit
05-Mar-2025 1.1156 1.1122
04-Mar-2025 1.1283 1.1249
03-Mar-2025 1.1366 1.1332
28-Feb-2025 1.1253 1.1219
27-Feb-2025 1.1405 1.1371
26-Feb-2025 1.1360 1.1326
25-Feb-2025 1.1327 1.1293
24-Feb-2025 1.1459 1.1425
21-Feb-2025 1.1442 1.1408
20-Feb-2025 1.1489 1.1455
Download historical unit prices
Forms & Information Memorandum

Forms & Information Memorandum

Additional information and forms

Non-Australian, non-US Taxpayers

Invest With Us

Invest With Us

The Airlie Concentrated Share Fund

We would like to advise that The Airlie Concentrated Share Fund is closed to new investors. 

If you would like to make any changes to your account please send your request directly to the Unit Registry:

Postal Address:
GPO Box 143
Sydney, NSW 2001
+61 2 9247 2822

Additional information and forms



Via email within 3 business days after the administrator has received your correctly completed Additional Investment Form and application money.  

An application is not complete until both cleared application money and a completed Additional Investment Form are received. If your correctly completed Additional Investment Form is received by 2pm on a business day in NSW and your application money is received as cleared funds by the close of business on that same day, your investment will receive the unit price calculated as at the close of business on that day.

During distribution periods (usually January/July) receipt of your confirmation statement may be delayed by 10-15 business days.

Additional application/redemption transaction confirmation - Via email, within 3 business days of the transaction being processed. During distribution periods (usually January / July) receipt of your confirmation statement may be delayed by 10 - 15 business days.

Monthly statement - Month-end holdings statements are sent via email within 10 business days of the end of month.

Distribution statement - Confirmation of the amount of distribution payable to your account, either in cash to your bank account or in the form of additional units reinvested to your account. Sent via email within 10-15 business days after each distribution.

Annual transaction statement - A list of all transactions on your account for the past financial year. Sent via email each July.

Tax statement - Sent in July each year via email.

Monthly Fund fact sheet - Sent via email, 12 business days after month end.

Daily unit prices - are available by 7pm daily on the website.  During distribution periods (usually January / July) calculation of daily unit prices may be delayed by 10 - 15 business days.

Apex Fund Services can accept your Additional Application Form via email, fax, or mail.

Any queries regarding your account should be sent to Apex Fund Services - or 1300 127 780.

Any instructions, such as applications/redemptions/changes of details should be sent directly to Apex Fund Services.

+61 2 9247 2822
Apex Fund Services - Unit Registry
GPO Box 143
Sydney NSW 2001

If you require assistance, please contact Apex Fund Services on 1300 127 780 or +61 2 8259 8566 (international) or 0800 787 621 (NZ).


Send a written instruction signed by the authorised signatory/signatories on the account. Please email, fax or mail the instruction directly to Mainstream Fund Services.  

Send your original written instructions signed by the authorised signatory/signatories on the account. You must include the following details on your instructions: 

  • Full name of your authorised representative 
  • Original specimen signature of the authorised representative you are appointing
  • Original certified identification of the authorised representative you are appointing 

Please mail the instruction directly to Apex Fund Services. As the originals need to be sighted for AML purposes, these cannot be faxed or emailed.

Please download the form here and please email, fax or post the instruction directly to Apex Fund Services.


Please download the form here and please email, fax or post the instruction directly to Apex Fund Services.

Please download the form here,or you may send a brief letter to Apex Fund Services stating you would like to make a redemption from your investment, and include the following details: 

  • Fund Name
  • Your Account Name and Number
  • Amount you wish to redeem - you must stipulate either the dollar amount of the redemption or the number of units to redeem. We will not accept redemption requests that ask us to calculate the redemption amount so that you retain a specific amount as a balance.
  • If you are redeeming in full please write “Full Redemption” or check the appropriate box on the form.
  • The instruction must be signed by the authorised signatory/signatories on the account.

Please email, fax or post the instruction directly to Apex Fund Services.

Note: The minimum redemption amount is $50,000. If after a partial withdrawal the balance will be less than the minimum investment amount of $500,000, the Trustee reserves the right to close the account and pay the balance out.