Airlie Quarterly Update

Video Insights
Oct 2024

Airlie Quarterly Update


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Key Takeaways 

[00:01:13] It’s been a volatile quarter, can explain how the fund has navigated this last quarter? 

Despite a flat market to October, the stock market witnessed an extraordinary rally in November and December, resulting in a solid overall return of 12.4% for the year. The Airlie Australian Share Fund returned 15.4%, net of fees for CY23. There were two key themes of note that drove the portfolio in 2023. Firstly, the likelihood of a global recession was overestimated, creating opportunities to invest in high-quality businesses at attractive valuations. Examples in the fund include James Hardie, the best-performing stock in the ASX 100, with a 118% increase, and Seven Group, up 75%. Secondly, the resilience of the Australian consumer, contrary to predictions of a mortgage cliff, played a crucial role. Low unemployment and pay rises, as well as built-up savings, contributed to a consumer that was able to weather the storm of higher interest rates.

[00:03:19] Mineral Resources has had a volatile quarter, can you share insights on why?

Mineral Resources share price started the quarter at $53 and ended at $52 but experienced a dramatic drop to $29 due to a poor August result and a CapEx blowout. This was exacerbated by falling prices of iron ore and lithium. However, in the last two weeks of September, the share price surged over 70% due to China’s stimulus measures, ending the quarter at $52. Despite the increased risk, the company remains a core portfolio holding, though with a smaller position than in the past.

[00:05:24] What happened in the resources sector over the quarter?

At the start of the September quarter, sentiment towards commodities and mining companies was bearish due to disappointing macro data from China and falling iron ore prices. However, two key events shifted market sentiment: CATL’s rational production adjustments in the lithium sector and China’s significant monetary and fiscal stimulus announcements. These developments boosted commodity prices, benefiting the portfolio’s overweight positions in companies like BHP, IGO Limited, BlueScope, and Seven Group.

[00:07:14] BlueScope, it's a relatively new position for the fund, how does this align to the Airlie process?

BlueScope is a strong business with a net cash balance sheet, surplus property, and high-quality assets. It operates a vertically integrated steel building products business in Australia and a cost-efficient steelmaking business in North America. The company has a well-tenured management team with a great track record of capital allocation. From a valuation perspective, BlueScope trades at ten times mid-cycle earnings and offers about a 5% yield through dividends and buybacks.

[00:08:02] Oil seems to be the only commodity that hasn’t benefited from recent trends. Could you elaborate on why that might be?

Oil prices haven’t significantly reacted to Chinese stimulus news, partly due to concerns about Saudi Arabia’s production discipline. While the fund is overweight in Santos, it remains underweight in the oil and gas sector. Falling share prices have prompted a reassessment of the sector, as the overall energy fundamentals appear strong.

[00:08:49] What stocks are you most excited about at the moment?

ResMed remains one of the larger positions in the fund due to its strong fundamentals, including a net cash balance sheet, a long-term track record of over 25% return on invested capital, and a great management team and is expected to grow earnings in double digits over the next five years. Medibank, Australia’s largest private health insurer, also stands out with a net cash position and a solid management team. Despite regulatory risks, its current valuation at 16 times earnings presents a significant opportunity, especially given its strong performance during the cost-of-living crisis.

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